5 DAYS with 9 tutors
1 DAY (8hours) of tour and lectures
3 DAYS (3h Master class + 12h desk review +15h studio)
1 DAY (8hours) of tour and lectures
Mónica Pacheco
Ana Vaz Milheiro
Ricardo Camacho
School of Architecture CAMD, Northeastern Uni
Ana Pedro & Pedro Maria
Ponto Atelier
Pedro Duarte Bento
Studio Pedro Duarte Bento
Zenovia Toloudi
Dartmouth College
Omar Khattab
College of Architecture, Kuwait University
Manar Moursi
University of Waterloo, Toronto
Summer School - Moytirra 2017, Sketch design for deep-sea mining labour’s housing” includes Master-Classes, studio sessions and field trips, led by lecturers and researchers from ISCTE-IUL and University of Azores (Portugal), Northeastern and Dartmouth College (USA), Kuwait University (Kuwait) and University of Waterloo (Canada), with the support of local architectural offices. On 5th day, the final results of the workshop will be presented and discussed with the local community.